artificial intelligence specialists

Supporting you on your AI journey

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Benmahar AI

Artificial Intelligence is changing the world around us. At Benmahar AI, our mission is to support and guide you on your AI journey - helping your business make the transformational leap to new and exciting ways of working.

We’re based in Sunderland, North East of England, and are part of a growing tech ecosystem that is transforming the northeast economy.

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AI Consulting Services

Women Planning Together at Work

Define Objectives

What you want to achieve and how AI can get you there

Turkish Men Working at the Office

AI Strategy

Alignment with business goals, impact, ROI, governance and compliance

Business People in a Handshake

Data, process and people-centred solutions, integration, testing, training and adoption

Design and Implementation

Top Q’s

Where do I start?

There is no one-size fits all when it comes to implementing AI. There are different approaches that cater to different levels of data and AI organisational maturity. We will work with you to map out an AI strategy that reflects your business and its objectives.

How can AI improve customer service?

AI enables personalised interactions by analysing customer data and tailoring responses based on individual preferences. AI chatbots can handle routine queries, freeing up your people to focus on more complex and value-add activities.

How can AI enhance business process automation?

AI can undertake repetitive tasks and also learn and enhance processes over time. Integrating AI allows for better and more thoughtful decision-making, leading to sophisticated and efficient operations. Benefits include increased efficiency, accuracy, and cost reduction.

Contact us


+44 7824 167 397
